Fitness Leads to a Higher Sex Drive..
Bump up your Fitness and watch your Sex Drive Increase!!!
Ask yourself a few questions.. How is your Sex Life? DO you like what you look like? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you eat healthy and do you workout? The answers to these questions will explain to you why your drive may not be where you want it to be.
Sex Drive is also refered to as your Libido. Many things make up your Sex Drive . Sex drive has usually biological, psychological, and social components. Biologically, hormone levels, such as testosterone, is believed to affect sex drive; social factors, such as work and family, also have an impact; as do internal psychological factors, like personality and stress. Sex drive may be affected by medical conditions, medications, lifestyle and relationship issues.
Lets look at the controllable factors such as working out. Working out and sex drive go hand in hand. After working out your testotorne levels slightly increase also increasing you Libido this applies for both men and women. Working out will help your body to function more smoothly and sufficiently can cause you to have better sleep at night. Both high levels of stress and low amounts of sleep can wreak havoc on a person’s ability to get in the mood. Other studies have shown that regular exercise produces higher levels of blood flow to the genitals which can cause greater sensitivity and enjoyment during love making, thus making it more desirable.

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