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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to kill piles !

Hemorrhoid (Piles) Treatments   

Having hemorrhoids can be a disconcerting and painful problem, but it is a common situation to have. Also known as piles, they are veins that are inflamed and swollen around the anus and lower rectum. They may be internal, external, or both, and several factors increase the probability of having them, such as: constipation, sitting on the toilet for prolonged periods, straining during bowel movement, and frequent diarrhea. Pregnancy, obesity and anal intercourse also are correlated with incidence of this problem.

Some vital Tips for treatment:

1-The first thing that is recommended in the treatment of hemorrhoids is pain relief. Soaking in warm water for 10 minute periods will help, as will analgesics and suppositories or creams that are specifically made for this problem. Over-the-counter stool softeners also help if you are constipated. Moistening toilet paper before you use it will help as well. It is recommended that you keep the area clean to avoid infection. In most cases, the hemorrhoids will go away in a few days.

2-The surgical treatment recommended for thrombosed external hemorrhoids is excision. Hemorrhoidectory, usually via rubber band ligation, is the surgical treatment of choice for prolapse internal hemorrhoids because there is a low chance of them returning. However, most cases are treated by home remedies and lifestyle changes.

3-Changes in your life habits that will help prevent hemorrhoids include drinking more water and adding more fiber to your diet. An increase in both will increase the bulk and softness of your stool. You should also go to the toilet when you have the urge. Exercise and deep (belly) breathing also helps increase blood circulation to favor more peristaltic movement of the intestines. It is also important to avoid sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time. There are also a few home remedies that seem to help, such as bioflavanoids for strengthening the cell wall of the veins,

4- Use cream which have natural contents.

Wishing you all the best ,