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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meridia Magic


  • Have you heard ABOUT BMI ?(body mass index), if you are one of these people , please  read carefully

  • Meridia (sibutramine HCl monohydrate) diet pills are meant for highly obese people. This diet aid is targeted at those individuals who have a BMI (Bod...

  • Meridia (sibutramine HCl monohydrate) diet pills are meant for highly obese people. This diet aid is targeted at those individuals who have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or more. Higher BMI is directly related to certain ailments and can be fatal causing premature death.
  • Those users who come in this category need to design a weight loss program, in consultation with their doctor, that involves Meridia and altered diet, which results in reduced calorie intake.
  • Ingredients in Meridia cause the brain to issue a ‘feel full’ signal which makes its user to stop eating. This method is different from appetite suppression. During clinical trials it was observed that more than 40% of the users who lost weight in the first six months were able to keep the weight loss effective for up to two years provided they continued using Meridia combined with altered eating and physical exercise.
  • While on Meridia therapy avoid alcohol and smoking as they nullify the good effect.
  • Sibutramine, used in Meridia is an active anti obesity agent and has been extensively studied and used by people since 1997, when it was first approved for general use.
  • Meridia has been classified as a controlled substance by the FDA. Some users try to use this prescription drug for abuse.
  • The chemical composition of Meridia makes it highly potent in fat reduction. Alongside it is also noted that Meridia increases blood pressure and heart rate. When using this drug users must be careful to discuss their medical details with their doctor so that unnecessary complications arising out of its side effects can be avoided. This drug is not to be administered to users suffering from stroke, seizures, pregnant or nursing mothers.
  • Some of Meridia’s ingredients may cause allergic reaction and may interfere with other prescription drugs. In the event of such a situation it is best to seek immediate medical attention.
  • Meridia is definitely not for children and must be stored out of their reach. It is best stored at room temperature. Remember not to share your prescription with others and do not take over doses or indulge in off-label use.
  • Meridia is a highly potent weight loss drug and must be used under qualified medical supervision to achieve maximum benefit and avoid complications. Always buy Meridia against valid prescription written by your doctor.
  • I hope I could brought you important tips regarding this issue , if you need more details , contact meon