Did you know that when you are on a diet, if you eat
something and no one sees you - it doesn’t contain any
calories! Of course that's not true...but it is how many of
us think! Learn how to beat the hunger pains between meals.
Are you a secret snacker? Do you eat when you are bored,
upset, angry? Does every day mean a chocolate bar for you?
Snacking…the secret sins of most people wanting to lose
Your diet does not have to be like this!
You can lose weight without being hungry. You can learn to
take control of the “Snack Monster” and your diet program
can be one to set you up for success, not failure.
An important key is to learn how to recognize what your body
requires, the signals it gives you, and learn how to respond
to those signals appropriately – diet and guilt are two
words that do not belong together.
Hunger is the body’s way of telling us we need to replenish
depleted nutrients. Unfortunately our body can’t say “I need
more vitamin D”. That would make things so easy! Many of us
interpret hunger pains as our body saying “I need more fat”,
“I need more sugar”.
The keys to healthy snacking while on a diet (and all other
times!) are:
1. Know what foods to avoid, and
2. Planning – get yourself organized.
What is a healthy snack? One that contains little or no
sugar, little or no salt (sodium), no white flour and no
saturated fat. Check the food labels to see what is inside.
Many foods are now labelled ‘fat free’ but are laden with
sugars and will still cause an influx of calories which are
diabolical when you are on a diet. Do not assume that ‘fat
free’ means healthy! Western societies are eating more and
more fat free foods, and yet obesity levels are rising
faster than ever.
Studies show that people who have a healthy intake of food
in four of five episodes throughout the day are less prone
to obesity than those who eat three or less times during the
Snacking CAN be good for you...especially on a diet!
Snacking CAN be good for you...especially on a diet!
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